After our participation in this past year's Wild & Scenic Film Festival it brings us joy to be invited on tour with them. Wild & Scenic goes remote and sets up in other communities to share their findings with others who couldn't make it to the festival. For Forever Wild that means a fundraiser for Mountain Area Preservation (MAP) in Tahoe City, California on November 7th, 2020. Here are more details from their website: Dinner & A Movie – 5th Annual Wild & Scenic Film Festival
New Date: Saturday, November 7th, 2020, 6 – 9 pm
Tahoe Tap Haus, 475 N. Lake Blvd. Tahoe City, CA
Join MAP for an intimate evening celebrating the environment and activism through film, featuring a multi-course seasonal meal and drinks from the Tahoe Tap Haus. The film program will include an exclusive film, The Valley. Watch the Trailer here and come get inspired and active with MAP’s conservation movement!
Tickets: $100
