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"Keep Sedona Beautiful, Inc. is sponsoring a timely and important film at this years' Sedona International Film Festival.

As noted in the Festival's program, "ever since its transformation from an over-the-hill mining town to a world-class ski resort, Telluride has been a diverse mix of ski bums, trust funders, back-to-the-land hippies, liberal second-home owners, urban dropouts and savvy business entrepreneurs. But the one thing they all agreed upon was that they weren't going to let developers run the show. So, when a multinational corporation proposed an Aspen-style development of trophy homes on the 600-acre gateway to Telluride's box canyon, the citizens of Telluride said "NO."

The Valley is the story of Telluride's seemingly impossible task of raising $50 million dollars in three months to purchase the Valley Floor and pull off an environmental triumph.

With Sedona's recent experience dealing with a proposed 650+ unit manufactured home and RV park development, the topic of The Valley couldn't be more relevant." We are honored! Bryan Reinhart Ron Melmon SedonaCentric Sedona Media Services


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